Providing Sciatica Treatment In Vancouver, Washington
What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a type of pinched nerve pain. Your sciatic nerve branches out from the spinal cord at your lower back, runs through your buttock and hip, and down the back of each leg. Generally only one leg manifests symptoms of this condition.
In our experience, sciatica can be resolved through conservative, non-invasive treatment in just a few weeks and shouldn’t require surgery if addressed early.
Symptoms of Sciatica
Sciatica is most often described as radiating pain from the lumbar spine that runs from the lower back down to the back of the thigh or even the calf muscle. Mild sciatica is typically associated with discomfort or tingling along the pathway of the sciatic nerve.
A primary symptom of sciatica is pain. These are the most common symptoms of sciatica:
- Radiating pain, tingling or numbness from the lower back to through the leg.
- Most commonly only one side affected
- Achiness or weakness in the affected side
- Worsened sensation following prolonged sitting or inactivity
- Intense pain and some loss of bodily function possible in severe cases
It is not uncommon for leg pain or pain into the buttocks to be mistaken for “true” sciatica.
Sciatica Pain is a Sign
Sciatica is most often a symptom of an underlying condition, such as a bulging or slightly herniated disc, faulty movement patterns, muscle imbalance or any number of issues. Our office can help identify the root cause of your sciatica and determine the proper course of action for treatment.
When sciatica is caught early, it can almost always be completely treated within a few weeks.
Patients might be able to see improvement within a single session depending on severity. Our staff can resolve your pain and set you on course to prevent it from happening again.
Dr. Ibolit Chiropractic, Physical Therapy & Massage has successfully treated dozens of cases of sciatica – from mild to severe.
Whether your sciatica was caused by prolonged inactivity or was acquired following injury, our team collaborates to help relieve your symptoms.
How Our Clinic Treats Sciatica
Chiropractic Care
Our chiropractic team will assess your lower spine to determine the extent of any pressure or impingement on the sciatic nerve. This will also reveal any muscle imbalances or possible inflammation that may be causing your sciatica.
Massage may help relieve sciatica caused by muscle tightness or muscle imbalance. It may also provide immediate muscular relief that enables patients to perform movements or stretches that could help with the condition.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapists will be able to recommend the best course of action for sciatica treatment. Regimens may include rest, icing, stretching and any number or targeted exercises to strengthen appropriate muscles without disturbing the nerve.